Podcast on Spotify
Beauty, awkward and badass podcast in Swedish! But I'm writing a little summary of the podcast. Wonderful Robin Stjernberg is Arantxa guest and talking about everything from the time he practiced wrestling and ugly trick used to launch the boyfriend "What's Up" and how to deal with the feelings and self-confidence in the industry we call showbusiness. A full episode when they crumb a bottle of red and open up some strange childhood memories, who had a mask in the butt and who eat butter and got a hairy ass?
And Robin Stjernberg talk about his new EP and it will be called "Underwater" with four songs but first a setup single in a few weeks! I’m so freaking excited!! First I wondering if the setup single is ”Lonely Heart”, I need it so bad...but then he wrote to me: - "Actually a bit more uptempo, it’s been a while"
When he has photoshoot for new promo photos, then it's close! Will be pure dream to see them and I can change RS Fansite header